Sunday, August 1, 2010

Two Different Beasts

It's getting late- and it's been quite a week.

Again, it's a wonderful problem- lots on my plate at present...

Two very different approaches for two very different productions.

The Sad and Cautionary Tale of Smackheaded Peter, very organic and it's evolving reaaallly well!

Anything Goes- In between listening to music calls and doing table work on the smaller scenes, I'm sat with drawings of the set and charts of the scene breakdown, cast, character lists, scenic elements and mapping out the entire show before I've started blocking it. I'll have less than 24 hours to do my 'first pass' on all the scenes... so I better have all my 'seagulls in a row'. There's a lot more infrastructure around Anything Goes- and that means a lot more paper!

Also, we had a couple of workshops to confirm our company acting vocabulary- The acting company on Anything Goes are delightful- young, keen and bright.

The Acting Company on our SummerWorks play are working very hard to be present in rehearsal- many of them are weary from rehearsing and working...

However! the light is visible at the end of the tunnel. We tech Smackheaded Peter this coming Tuesday! Yeeeee Haaaaa! I'm looking forward to that! and our first performance is on Friday evening at 10:30! Yeeeee Haaa! There are moments in rehearsal that are very exciting! and it's getting more beautiful and wolf-like every day...

okay- sleep needs to happen.

more later...