I had one day to find a place to live in London Ontario that had these requirements...
- above ground (I've been living in a basement for 18 months)
- walking distance to the theatre (no car and can't afford one/don't want to buy one)
- access to out-of-doors (for my two cats, Ella and Harry)
- no credit check (I have no real credit history in Canada)
- month-by-month rental (almost everyone wants a one-year lease and my contract is eight months)
ta da!
because of the power of technology...
I saw a new listing-
called and got a viewing two hours later-
and got an apartment, (that I actually like!), that meets aaaaaaaaaaaaaall of my needs!
yeeeeeee haaaaa!
I was remembering that when I first moved to London, England, it took me three weeks to find a place to live... soooooo...
It was a crazy day- but it's done! Photos to follow...
Not my first day at school- but quite similar...
Okay- so the first thing was to see my office.
My office... well, it's a grand title- but not such a grand room. Please don't get me wrong- I'm happy to have a desk! and a phone and work computer and a chair. And that's really all I need- and that's good, 'cause that's all the room in my office. Now, you know, in real estate, that location is everything. Well, I'm pretty sure that I've heard that it's like that too with office allocation... So... the great thing about the location of my wee office is that it's just opposite Susan Ferley, the Artistic Director of the Grand. And that's just fine by me. I say, poo poo to the corner office with the great view... I have a corner in my office- in fact- there are four. And who needs a view- I can see the window in her office- and that's just fine by me.
And- far more exciting than any of that malarkey...
I've got a name tag. Yup. A name tag.
It's got my name on it.
And my title...
Apprentice Artistic Director
Day two- see my office, get my name tag and go to the day long board meeting-
more on that another time...